12-Year-Old Type 1 Diabetic Cast as Voice of Cottontail in New Production of Adventures of Peter Rabbit Chloe Mandall-Davis, a 12-year-old girl living with Type 1 Diabetes, has been cast as the voice of Cottontail in a new production of the beloved classic, Adventures...
New Adaptation of Adventures of Peter Rabbit Premiers During Easter Holidays So far today Peter Rabbit has been chased by Mr McGregor, lost his jacket and shoe and almost got caught in a net… but that is not the worst thing that will happen today. Now Peter and Mrs...
I thought I’d do another quick update on gameplay and where we’re at with the design around gameplay. We’ve had a couple of play throughs and a couple of things that have been really interesting that to come out of the test plays that we’ve...
​We have the basic layout of the game ​decided however ​I want to be sure that movement does not become a major impediment to peoples enjoyment while playing.Welcome to our first update on where we are with design right now.So a couple of things that we really love...
It is International Women’s Day and so today I want to pay tribute to the AMAZING TEAM OF WOMEN that help Small Crown Productions get things done right now.As a micro company with a BIG vision it takes a lot of sweat equity to achieve things and these incredible...
We LOVE creating. Theatre might be the thing we love to make the most, but creating is creating and we want to use that to help parents and kids have easy access to fun stuff to do in the school holidays. To do this we have come up with an idea we think you are going...